πŸ–₯️Minting Mechanism

Vision has a complete inflation and deflation mechanism. The pledge rate is calculated during each maintenance cycle. At the end of the business cycle, the average PledgeRateInEconomyCycle of all maintenance cycles in the business cycle is calculated.

When averagePledgeRateInEconomyCycle exceeds 60%, the inflation rate is 23.22%

When averagePledgeRateInEconomyCycle is lower than 60%, the inflation rate is 6.89%

Economy Cycle

The economy cycle will count the average pledge rate of the maintenance cycle to get the inflation rate of the next economy cycle. The first economy cycle = 40 maintenance cycles, and each subsequent economy cycle = 120 x maintenance cycle.

Pledge Rate

Vision Network pledge rate is calculated during each maintenance cycle

Staking rate calculation formula: Pledge Rate = all the pledge amount of the whole network (entropy + Photon + FVGurantee) / whole network liquidity (block reward + voting reward + CommunityVoting reward + number of votes + initial amount of Galaxy account-Galaxy's balance + Avalon account Initial amount-Avalon's balance)

Inflation Rate

Vision’s inflation rate is set to a high value and a low value, respectively 23.22% and 6.89%, which can be revised through proposals later. Inflation rate will affect the calculation of rewards throughout the network.

Inflation Rate Impact

  1. Block Rewards For example, Vision’s initial block production reward is 144,000 VDT. If the current economic cycle inflation rate is 23.22%, the block production reward will be dynamically adjusted to 144,000 VDT x (23.22% / 12 + 1) = 146,786 VDT

  2. Voting Rewards For example, the initial voting reward of Vision is 1,200,000 VDT. If the current economic cycle inflation rate is 6.89%, the voting reward will be dynamically adjusted to 1,200,000 VDT x (6.89% / 12 + 1) = 1,206,890 VDT

  3. CommunityVoting Rewards For example, the initial voting reward for Vision is 256,000 VDT. If the current economic cycle inflation rate is 6.89%, the CommunityVoting reward will be dynamically adjusted to 256,000 VDT x (6.89% / 12 + 1) = 257,469 VDT

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